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Mraz & Růžička
Going Home

Juraj Bartoš: trumpet, fluegelhorn, Karel Růžička: piano, George Mraz: double-bass, Martin Šulc: drums

Hic sunt leones

all stars big band directed by Karel Růžička

Jiří Kudrman: alto saxophone, Petr Venkrbec: alto saxophone, František Kop: tenor and soprano saxophones, Štěpán Markovič: tenor saxophone, Jiří Válek: baritone saxophone, flute, Václav Týfa: trumpet, Jiří Hlava: trumpet, fluegelhorn, Pavel Husička: trumpet, Ivan Matějček: trombone, Josef Pavelka: trombone, Svatopluk Košvanec: trombone, Zdeněk Zdeněk: synthesizer, piano, Peter Binder: guitar, Aleš Duša: bassguitar, Pavel Zbořil: drums

Matej Benko
Matej Benko - p, Jan Greifoner - b, Branko Krizek - dr

Distant Relative, Absence, Fairytale about Caroline, Lôro, Granny´s Room, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, All Fool´s Day, Universality – Piano Introduction, Universality, Chan Chan
The Very Best of AghaRTA (3)
Not available
270 czk CD
Not available
The Very Best of AghaRTA (3)
Karel Ruzicka Jr., Lubos Andrst Acoustic Set, Jiri Stivin, Emil Viklicky & Boris Urbanek, Roman Pokorny, Hot Line, Veleband, Laco Deczi, Tutu
+ 2 bonus tracks, previously unreleased >> Roman Pokorny - She's Really Something, Karel Ruzicka & George Mraz - Swanee River
Karel Růžička
Karel Ruzicka - p, Josef Feco - b, Milos Dvoracek - dr
Hot Line
Still Callin´

Karel Růžička Jr. - saxophones, Jan Hála - keyboards, Jan Buchar - piano, synthesizers, Aleš Duša - bassguitar, Michal Hejna - drums, Pavel Plánka - percussion

Jazz Non-Fables... After The Years

legendary big band plays legendary tunes
further tribute to Karel Velebný, one of the greatest person on the Czech jazz scene

George Mraz Trio
Catching Up

Richie Beirach - p, George Mraz - b, Peter Donald - dr

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