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Cuban Summer
Across the Feelings
Ondrej Kabrna - piano, Tomas Liska - double-bass, Marek Prokop - saxes, Jan Dvorak - drums
Laco Deczi
Laco Deczi - trumpet, Walter Fischbacher - keyboards, Steve Clarke - bass, Vaico Deczi - drums, Julius Gorog - trombone
Laco Deczi
Gadula Island
Laco Deczi - trumpet, Bryan Charette - organ, piano, Steve Clarck - bass, Andrea Valentini - drums
Laco Deczi
Forever Again
Laco Deczi - tp, Christian Geith - keys & programming, Vajco Deczi - dr & perc, Jennifer Haddon - voc
Young Gypsy Generation
290 czk  CD
In stock
Josef Fečo
Young Gypsy Generation

Josef Fečo: double bass
Andrej Farkaš / Dominik Klempar / Drahoslav Bango: piano
Martin Fečo: drums

Fensters (The)
Jazz Music Vol. 1

Francois Théberge: soprano and tenor saxophones, Andy Middleton: soprano and tenor saxophones, Paul Imm: double-bass, Alan Jones: drums

Space & Rhythm
290 czk  CD
In stock
Four (The)
Space & Rhythm

Karel Růžička Jr.: saxophones, Stanislav Mácha: piano, Petr Dvorský: double-bass, Jiří Slavíček: drums

Jirka Hála
Make You Wanna Hala

Jirka Hála - ts, fl, Brian Seeger - g, John Gros - Hammond org, keys, voc, Brian Coogan - Hammond org, keys, Casandra Faulconer - el. b, George Sluppick - dr, Johnny Vidacovich - dr, Scott Bourgeois - as, Brent Rose - ts, Rick Trolsen - tb, Matt Perrine - sousaph, Irij Alah - bs

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