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Dance Of The Elders
399 czk  CD
In stock
Wolfgang Muthspiel
Dance Of The Elders

Wolfgang Muthspiel: guitars; Scott Colley: double bass; Brian Blade: drums

Different Colours

František Kop - saxophones, percussions, Peter Binder - acoustic and electric guitars, vocal, Zdeněk Zdeněk - acoustic piano, Kurzweil PRO-76, Roland D-50, Roland R-8

featuring: Svatopluk Košvanec - trombone, Jay Anderson - acoustic bass, Dick Weller - drums

Naima Live
Session ´90

František Kop - soprano and tenor saxophones, bass clarinet, percussion
Zdeněk Zdeněk - keyboards and programming
Peter Binder - electric and acoustic guitars, percussion

After Midnight in Frydlant
350 czk  CD
In stock
Neil Wetzel – Gary Rissmiller 5 O’Clock Big Band
After Midnight in Frydlant

Saxes: Lukáš Bořek, Marcela Mádlíková, Frederick Barr, Rostislav Fraš, Silvie Šírová, Nela Dusová, Anežka Smotlachová
Trombones: Přemysl Tomšíček, Zdeněk Borecký, Martin Houserek, Jan Ptáček, Tereza Drvotová
Trumpets: Miroslav Hloucal, Václav Hloušek, Jaroslav Kohoutek, Richard Hora
Piano: František Krtička, Ľubomír Šrámek, Patrick Kerrsen, Keyboards: Patrick Kerrsen Vibes: František Krtička, Bass: Josef Fečo, Vocal: Aleš Benda
Drums, percussions: Gary Rissmiller, Ronald Bogart
Conductor: Neil Wetzel 

Machine From The Attics
290 czk  CD
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Noční Optika
Machine From The Attics

Štěpán Zbytovský – flute
Miroslav Nosek – guitars, ukulele
Jakub Dvořáček – piano, Fender Rhodes piano, Hammond A101
Jan Keller – bassguitars, cello
Jan Linhart – drums

290 czk  CD
In stock
Noční optika

Night Optician's (Nocni optika) is an instrumental quintet composed of musicians whose starting point is partially jazz, partially classical music. The result is a sort of periphery or suburb of the jazz mainstream, a place lit with flashes of the resonance of the pulsing fevers of the metropolis, and breezes of the sombre surfaces of the forest pools. A neurotic’s meditation blends with the phlegmatic’s mad dash in a herbarium of half-forgotten animals.

coral beliefs theory
290 czk  CD
In stock
Noční optika
coral beliefs theory

Miroslav Nosek: guitars
Jakub Dvořáček: piano, nord stage
Štěpán Zbytovský: flutes, bass clarinet
Jan Keller: cello, bassguitar
Jan Dvořák: drums

290 czk  CD
In stock
Noční optika

Štěpán Zbytovský – flute, alto fluta, bass clarinet
Miroslav Nosek – guitar
Jakub Dvořáček – piano, fender rhodes, hammond a 101, wurlitzer 200a, melodica, carillon
Jan Keller – cello, bass guitar, udu
Jan Linhart – drums, congo, carillon

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