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Wolfgang Muthspiel: guitars; Scott Colley: double bass; Brian Blade: drums
František Kop - saxophones, percussions, Peter Binder - acoustic and electric guitars, vocal, Zdeněk Zdeněk - acoustic piano, Kurzweil PRO-76, Roland D-50, Roland R-8 featuring: Svatopluk Košvanec - trombone, Jay Anderson - acoustic bass, Dick Weller - drums
František Kop - soprano and tenor saxophones, bass clarinet, percussion Zdeněk Zdeněk - keyboards and programming Peter Binder - electric and acoustic guitars, percussion
Saxes: Lukáš Bořek, Marcela Mádlíková, Frederick Barr, Rostislav Fraš, Silvie Šírová, Nela Dusová, Anežka Smotlachová Trombones: Přemysl Tomšíček, Zdeněk Borecký, Martin Houserek, Jan Ptáček, Tereza Drvotová Trumpets: Miroslav Hloucal, Václav Hloušek, Jaroslav Kohoutek, Richard Hora Piano: František Krtička, Ľubomír Šrámek, Patrick Kerrsen, Keyboards: Patrick Kerrsen Vibes: František Krtička, Bass: Josef Fečo, Vocal: Aleš Benda Drums, percussions: Gary Rissmiller, Ronald Bogart Conductor: Neil Wetzel
Štěpán Zbytovský – flute Miroslav Nosek – guitars, ukulele Jakub Dvořáček – piano, Fender Rhodes piano, Hammond A101 Jan Keller – bassguitars, cello Jan Linhart – drums
Night Optician's (Nocni optika) is an instrumental quintet composed of musicians whose starting point is partially jazz, partially classical music. The result is a sort of periphery or suburb of the jazz mainstream, a place lit with flashes of the resonance of the pulsing fevers of the metropolis, and breezes of the sombre surfaces of the forest pools. A neurotic’s meditation blends with the phlegmatic’s mad dash in a herbarium of half-forgotten animals.
Miroslav Nosek: guitars Jakub Dvořáček: piano, nord stage Štěpán Zbytovský: flutes, bass clarinet Jan Keller: cello, bassguitar Jan Dvořák: drums
Štěpán Zbytovský – flute, alto fluta, bass clarinet Miroslav Nosek – guitar Jakub Dvořáček – piano, fender rhodes, hammond a 101, wurlitzer 200a, melodica, carillon Jan Keller – cello, bass guitar, udu Jan Linhart – drums, congo, carillon