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“I dedicate this album to the moon which has always been a source of magic in many cultures,” says Micus. “Music too is a source of magic which is where the two connect.” Aside from his 14 string guitar, Micus plays instruments from Armenia, Tibet, India, Egypt, Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania, Botswana, Namibia and Ethiopia, most of them in combinations never heard before.
Stephan Micus: voice, ndingo, genbri, guitars, suling, nay, rewab, rabab, shakuhachi
duduk, bass duduk, kalimba, steel-string guitars, 14-string guitar, shakuhachi, dondon, sattar, voice
Stephan Micus: nyckelharpa, voice, shakuhachi, balanzikom, genbri, guitars, zithers
chikulo, nohkan, 12-string guitar, tongue drums, voice, kalimba, sinding, charango, ney, sattar, Tibetan cymbals
Stephan Micus: Frame Drum, Dung Chen, Burmese Temple Bells, Himalayan Horse Bells, Ki un Ki, Bass Zither, Bowed Sinding, Kyeezee, Shakuhachi, Sarangi, Nyckelharpa, Kaukas, Sapeh, Voice, Nohkan
new period music inspired by the famous vocal collection by Adam Václav Michna (selection from the Czech Marian Music, 1647) composed and performed by Jaroslav Tůma organ from Kruh (1627) in the cathedral of St Stephen in Litoměřice