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(Treasure of Arcadia)
190 czk  CD
In stock
Tomáš Hanzlík
(Treasure of Arcadia)

Opera from 2021. Libretto: Marek Řihák
Music and music production: Tomáš Hanzlík
Ensemble Damian

Power Spot
Not available
399 czk CD
Not available
Jon Hassell
Power Spot

Jon Hassell: trumpet, J.A.Deane: percussion, alto flute, Jean-Philippe Rykiel: keyboards, Michael Brook: guitar, Richard Horowitz: keyboards, Brian Eno: bass, Richard Armin: RAAD electric strings, Paul Armin: RAAD electric strings, Miguel Frasconi: flute

Irena a Vojtěch Havlovi
Little Blue Nothing
Avantgarde or postminimal or underground or what?

Irena & Vojtěch Havel - voice, Tibetian gongs, singing bowls, violoncello, viola da gamba, small drum, organ, percussions
The Roc
399 czk  CD
In stock
Daniel Herskedal
The Roc

Over the last 2 years, Daniel Herskedal, Helge Andreas Norbakken and Eyolf Dale (also on Edition) have defined themselves as one of the most unique and innovative small ensembles in Europe today, bringing together a vast mix of influences from Folk, Jazz, Classical and Arabic music.

Jiří Hodina, Marcipán
Sugar And Almonds In Equal Parts
moravian folk songs in new arrangements

Jiří Hodina - vocal, violin; Martina Přibylová - piano; Ondřej Škoch - guitar, background vocals; Tadeáš Mesany - double-bass;
and guests: Leona Prokopcová - vocal; Štepán Škoch - clarinet, soprano saxophone, Irish flute; Vítězslav Janda - tambourine, drum, hop
330 czk  CD
In stock
Friedrich Hölderlin
299 czk  CD
In stock
Bárová, Reindl, Hrubý

Dorota Bárová: cello, Tomáš Reindl: percussion, Pavel Hrubý: bass clarinet

Between The Lines
299 czk  CD
In stock
Pavel Hrubý
Between The Lines

Pavel Hrubý – tenor sax, alto sax, bass clarinet, clarinet
Michal Nejtek – piano
Daniel Šoltis – drums
Miloš Dvořáček – glass bells, ukulele, chimes 
František Kučera – trumpet
Wind octet directed by Štěpánka Balcarová

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