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Historical Organ In Dobruška
290 czk  CD
In stock
Historical Organ In Dobruška

Dietrich Buxtehude, Georg Muffat, Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Gottfried Walther

Pavel Svoboda – Halbig organ (1727) in the parish church of Saint Wenceslaw

Red & Black
290 czk  2CD
In stock
Agon Orchestra
Red & Black
red (CD1)
Martin Smolka: Rent a Ricercar, Petr Kofroň: Enhexe, Miroslav Šimáček: Tvůj čas / Your Time, Martin Smolka: Netopýr / Flying Dog, Petr Kofroň: Spira, Peter Graham: Get out of Whatever CAGE, Petr Kofroň: The Fire is Mine, Martin Smolka: For Woody Allen, Miroslav Šimáček: Trvdej život / Hard Life

black (CD2)
Martin Smolka: Nocturne, Petr Kofroň: Mitternachtmusik
299 czk  CD
In stock
Ridina Ahmedová

Ridina Ahmedová: vocal

Halekací – Barvy – Afro blue – Šílený kůň – Zrdcadlová – Prague City Lights – Bludičky – Sukně, šátky, mísy – Pieta – Dest 

Dlaka - video
interactive animation for PC



The Organ of the Loreto Church in Brno
290 czk  CD
In stock
Bach, Muffat, Wagenzeil, Štěpán
The Organ of the Loreto Church in Brno
The New Mathis Organ of the Jesuit Church in Brno
290 czk  CD
In stock
Bach, Mozart, Mozart, Franck, Klička, Liszt, Janáček
The New Mathis Organ of the Jesuit Church in Brno
Fantasies and Fugues
290 czk  CD
In stock
Johann Sebastian Bach
Fantasies and Fugues

a moll BWV 944, a moll BWV 894, a moll BWV 904, c moll BWV 906, d moll BWV 903
Giedré Lukšaité-Mrázková – harpsichord

Violin Sonatas, BWV1020-1024, 1031
299 czk  CD
In stock
Johann Sebastian Bach
Violin Sonatas, BWV1020-1024, 1031
Ivan Ženatý – violin, Zuzana Růžičková – harpsichord, Petr Hejný – viola da gamba

This CD of Bach´s less familiar sonatas offers a glimpse into works not only by Bach, the father, but also those by his sons. Though originally ascribed to Johann Sebastian and given BWV catalogue numbers, musicologists today suspect some of them may well have been composed by his sons. However, this measure of doubt about the actual authorship detracts nothing from their sheer musical beauty, enhanced as it is by the virtuoso performance of all the players.
Goldberg Variationen
299 czk  CD
In stock
Johann Sebastian Bach
Goldberg Variationen

Borbála Dobozy: harpsichord (copy of  a German Michael Mietke´s double-manual instrument built around 1710, from the "Bečička, Hüttl & Šefl" workshop, Bystřec 2005)

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