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Trio 01
Emil Viklický
Emil Viklicky - p, Frantisek Uhlir - b, Laco Tropp - dr

Aspen Leaf, Lover Come Back, Wine Oh Wine, Fanoshu, Buhaina Buhaina, Song For Jane
Trio 02
Mark Aanderud
Mark Aanderud - piano, Vit Svec - bass, Pavel Razim - drums

Prologue, Dark Places, New Morning, Just Like Home, Frozen Drops, Song For Malika, Sambamba, Three For Kenny, Buenos Dias Con Samba, Epilogue
Trio 03
Alberto Marsico
Alberto Marsico - Hammond organ, Roman Pokorny - guitar, Pavel "Bady" Zboril - drums
special quest: Dan Barta - vocal

Tripology, Smoking At the Little Castle, Sambady, Fridays Mood, Bathman Blues, Here, Grunt Groove, Talkin' About J.C., Cable On the Table, United, Bluesource
František Kop Quartet
Frantisek Kop - sax, Petr Malasek - p, Martin Lehky - bg, Pavel Zboril - dr
special guest: Imran Musa Zangi - perc
Matej Benko
Matej Benko - p, Jan Greifoner - b, Branko Krizek - dr

Distant Relative, Absence, Fairytale about Caroline, Lôro, Granny´s Room, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, All Fool´s Day, Universality – Piano Introduction, Universality, Chan Chan
UV Drive
Viklický & Urbánek
Emil Viklický - p, synth., Boris Urbánek - keyb., programming, Vlastimil Šmída - tp, Roman Pokorný - g, Martin Gašpar - b
Rhythm Desperados
Michal Zacek - ss, Boris Urbanek - keys, Martin Lehky - bg, Michal Hejna - dr, Pavel Planka - perc

97th Avenue, Volcano, First Snow, Come and Play, Deja vu, Friday´s Dance, Sunny, Tears of Happiness
You Know What I Mean
Karel Růžička Jr.

Karel Růžička Jr - tenor & soprano saxophones, David Dorůžka - guitar, Stanislav Mácha - piano, Petr Dvorský - double-bass, Marek Patrman - drums

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© Studio Svengali, February 2025
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