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Egberto Gismonti: 8 strunná kytara, klavír, flétna, zpěv Nana Vasconcelos: perkuse, berimbau, corpo, zpěv
Jan Garbarek: soprán a tenor saxofony, Rainer Bruninghaus: piano, Eberhard Weber: kontrabas, Nana Vasconcelos: perkuse, Manu Katché. bicí, Buge Wesseltoft: syntetizér, Ingor Ántte Áilu Gaup: zpěv
180 gr LP
Keith Jarrett: klavír
Keith Jarrett: klavír, Jan Garbarek: tenor a soprán saxofony, Palle Danielsson: kontrabas, Jon Christensen: bicí nástroje
An adaption of the play by Harold Pinter. Composed By – Michael Mantler Words By – Harold Pinter
Bass Guitar, Acoustic Bass – Ron McClure Cello – Clare Maher Guitar – Chris Spedding Voice – Kevin Coyne Voice, Percussion – Robert Wyatt Voice, Piano, Organ – Carla Bley
Bass – Steve Swallow Composed By, Trumpet, Engineer – Michael Mantler Design – Paul McDonough Drums – Tony Williams* Guitar – Larry Coryell Photography [Back] – Sonia Moskowitz Photography [Cover] – Tod Papageorge Producer, Piano, Synthesizer, Tenor Saxophone – Carla Bley
Recorded and mixed November 1977 at Grog Kill Studio, Willow, New York.
Mike Mantler -trumpet Gary Windo - tenor sax Carla Bley - piano, organ Philip Catherine - guitar Steve Swallow - bass guitar D Sharpe - drums
Recorded and mixed August 1979 throught March 1980 at Grog Kill studio, Willow New York Germany. Produced by Carla Bley
Carla Bley: Organ, Tenor Saxophone Michael Mantler: Trumpet Elton Dean: Alto Saxophone Gary Windo: Tenor Saxophone John Clark: French Horn, Guitar Roswell Rudd: Trombone Bob Stewart: Tuba Terry Adams: Piano Hugh Hopper: Bass Guitar, Bass Drum Andrew Cyrille: Drums
Recorded September 1977 at Bavaria Musik Studios, Munich, Germany. Mixed October 1977 at Grog Kill Studio, Willow, New York