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Duo Concertant
239 czk  CD
In stock
Leonidas Stravinsky, Bach
Duo Concertant

Leonidas Kavakos: violin, Péter Nagy: piano

Igor Stravinsky: Duo concertant for violin and piano
Johann Sebastian Bach: Partita No. 1 in B minor for violin solo, BWV 1002
Igor Stravinsky: Suite Italienne for violin and piano
Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata No. 1 in G minor for violin solo, BWV 1001

Il serpento di bronzo, ZWV 61
299 czk  CD
In stock
Jan Dismas Zelenka
Il serpento di bronzo, ZWV 61
world premiere recording of the oratorio from 1730

Ensemble Inégal, directed by Adam Viktora
Alex Potter - alto, Petra Noskaiová – alto, Hana Blažíková – soprano, Jaroslav Březina - tenor, Peter Kooij – bass

Sacred Music
299 czk  CD
In stock
Jan Josef Ignác Brentner
Sacred Music
Rediscovering unjustly forgotten composers and their music is a fine experience and adventure at the same time, and this CD offers music-lovers both. J. J. I. Brentner (1689 - 1742) was one of the most successful Czech composers of his time (measured by the number of compositions published in print). Thanks to missionaries, his music got as far as South America only to lapse into total oblivion after his death for more than a quarter of a millennium. The demands that his beautiful melodies place on performers gives one an idea of how accomplished the instrumentalists and singers of his time must have been. Our CD (world recording premiere) was made using period musical instruments in Baroque surroundings by the group Ensemble Inégal specializing, in particular, in historically enlightened interpretation of 17th- and 18-th century music. Please, accept our invitation to the realm of lovely sounds and joy of discovering the as yet unknown.
Missa purificationis Beatae Virginis Mariae, ZWV16
299 czk  CD
In stock
Jan Dismas Zelenka
Missa purificationis Beatae Virginis Mariae, ZWV16
Litaniae lauretanae „Consolatrix afflictorum“, ZWV 151
world premiere recording of the mass from 1733
Ensemble Inégal, directed by Adam Viktora
Gabriela Eibenová, Hana Blažíková – soprano, Petra Noskaiová – alto, Jaroslav Březina – tenor, Tomáš Král – bass

Violin Sonatas, BWV1020-1024, 1031
299 czk  CD
In stock
Johann Sebastian Bach
Violin Sonatas, BWV1020-1024, 1031
Ivan Ženatý – violin, Zuzana Růžičková – harpsichord, Petr Hejný – viola da gamba

This CD of Bach´s less familiar sonatas offers a glimpse into works not only by Bach, the father, but also those by his sons. Though originally ascribed to Johann Sebastian and given BWV catalogue numbers, musicologists today suspect some of them may well have been composed by his sons. However, this measure of doubt about the actual authorship detracts nothing from their sheer musical beauty, enhanced as it is by the virtuoso performance of all the players.
Goldberg Variationen
299 czk  CD
In stock
Johann Sebastian Bach
Goldberg Variationen

Borbála Dobozy: harpsichord (copy of  a German Michael Mietke´s double-manual instrument built around 1710, from the "Bečička, Hüttl & Šefl" workshop, Bystřec 2005)

L'amor non ha legge
690 czk  3CD & DVD
In stock
Antonio Caldara
L'amor non ha legge

Favola pastorale (Jaroměřice 1728, libreto: Giovanni Domenico Bonlini
Jaromír Nosek, Dora Rubart-Pavlíková, Václav Jeřábek, Aneta Petrasová, Ondřej Holub, Hana Holodňáková, Filip Dámec, Jiří Poláček, Juliana Synková
Ensemble Damian & Tomáš Hanzlík 

Organ Music
Not available
0 czk CD
Not available
Fischer, Vogt
Organ Music

Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer, Mauritius Vogt

Adam Viktora - organ, Gabriela Eibenová - soprano, Petr Wagner - viola da gamba, Jan Krejča - theorbo

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