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Music of Kapellmeisters at St Wencesla s Cathedral in Olomouc
790 czk  6CD box
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Rittler, Albertiuni, Gurecky, Neumann, Puschmann
Music of Kapellmeisters at St Wencesla s Cathedral in Olomouc

CD 1 Philipp Jacob Rittler (c. 1639–1690)
CD 2 Thomas Antonio Albertini (1660–1736)
Societas Incognitorum, Eduard Tomaštík

CD 3 Václav Matyáš Gurecký (1705–1743)
CD 4 Josef Antonín Gurecký (1709–1769)
Musica Florea, Marek Štryncl

CD 5 Anton Neumann (c. 1720–1776)
CD 6 Josef Puschmann (1738–1794)
Musica Figuralis, Marek Čermák

The Organ of the Loreto Church in Brno
290 czk  CD
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Bach, Muffat, Wagenzeil, Štěpán
The Organ of the Loreto Church in Brno
Six Suites For Viola Solo
549 czk  2CD
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Johann Sebastian Bach
Six Suites For Viola Solo

Kim Kashkashian: viola

Prism I
399 czk  CD
In stock
Beethoven, Bach, Shostakovich
Prism I

Danish String Quartet   
Rune Tonsgaard Sørensen: violin
Frederik Øland: violin
Asbjørn Nørgaard: viola
Fredrik Schøyen Sjölin: cello

The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II
290 czk  2CD
In stock
Johann Sebastian Bach
The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II

Giedré Lukšaité-Mrázková - harpsichord

Flemish double-manual harpsichord by František Vyhnálek, Hovorčovice 1995
(after Andreas Ruckers, 1640)

Hasse, Leo, Lotti, Pergolesi, Vinci, Vivaldi
Music in Prague Cathedral

Hasse, Leo, Lotti, Pergolesi, Vinci, Vivaldi

Ivana Bilej Brouková: soprano, Markéta Cukrová: mezzo-soprano
Hipocondria Ensemble directed by Jan Hádek

The choir of St Vitus’s Cathedral was also regularly performed Italian music. That was not unusual, after all, since Italy set the tone practically throughout the eighteenth century. Italian music, or at least compositions in the Italian style, form part of almost all the Bohemian music archives of this period. What is remarkable, however, is the great number and particularly selection of compositions that have been preserved at St Vitus’s...

Castaldi, Kapsperger, Piccinini
Intavolatura di Tiorba
Alessandro Piccinini, Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger, Bellerofonte Castaldi, Girolamo Frescobaldi

Jan Krejča - theorbo, Robert Hugo - organ positive, harpsichord, Helena Zemanová - violin, Jan Novotný - double-bass
Ritornello, Michael Pospíšil
Carnival Has Arrived (The)
Czech carnival folk song collection from about 1680
Ritornello, directed by Michael Pospíšil
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