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Standards I/II
Not available
570 czk 2DVD
Not available
Jarrett, Peacock, DeJohnette
Standards I/II
In Concert: Klangspuren  Collector´s Edition
399 czk  CD + DVD
In stock
Michael Wollny Trio
In Concert: Klangspuren Collector´s Edition

Live concerts by the Michael Wollny Trio are always experiences to be treasured. These three ideally matched musicians never fail to find fascinating new directions for the music, or to take the listener by surprise. At the end of October 2015, when Wollny, Weber und Schaefer were setting off on a Karsten Jahnke JazzNights tour, taking in fourteen German cities, the respected German broadsheet the Süddeutsche Zeitung gleefully quipped: “Wollny's off on tour. Just get yourselves there. Awesome!” 

Michael Wollny: piano, Christian Weber: bass, Eric Schaefer: drums

In memoriam Haydée
499 czk  Blu-ray
In stock
Márta, György Kurtág
In memoriam Haydée

Márta Kurtág: piano
György Kurtág: piano

Radhe Radhe
499 czk  Blu-ray
In stock
Vijay Iyer
Radhe Radhe

Vijay Iyer: composer/piano
Prashant Bhargava: film director/editor
International Contemporary Ensemble

Arrows Into Infinity
499 czk  Blu-ray
In stock
Charles Lloyd
Arrows Into Infinity

Arrows Into Infinity, a film by Dorothy Darr and Jeffery Morse, is a striking documentary portrait of Charles Lloyd. It chronicles the arc of an improviser’s still-unfolding life, moving through time with memories, archive footage and music, lots of music.

NTSC, 16:9, Disc type: 9, Region Code: 0 (world wide), Dolby Digital 5.1 and 2.0, Language: English, Subtitles: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Total time: ~113 min.

Detaching From The World - Gustav Mahler
Not available
570 czk DVD
Not available
Uri Caine
Detaching From The World - Gustav Mahler
The life and work of Gustav Mahler (1860–1911) in a film biography by Franz Winter, shot at the original locations – with previously unpublished original material – based on Uri Caine’s engagement as a composer with the music of Mahler.
Im wunderschonen Monat Mai
570 czk  DVD
In stock
Barbara Sukowa, Reinbert de Leeuw, Schonberg Ensemble
Im wunderschonen Monat Mai

A special production featuring German actress Barbara Sukowa, who sings and performs the new song cycle adapted and re-composed for orchestra by Reinbert de Leeuw for the Schönberg Ensemble. Sukowa and de Leeuw have been a very successful team for twenty years, having performed, among others, Arnold Schönberg’s Pierrot Lunaire.

290 czk  DVD+CD
In stock
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