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multimusic minibigband
Jakub Zitko - keyboards, bandleader, Marcel Barta - alto sax, soprano sax, Pavel Hruby - tenor sax, bassclarinet, Oskar Torok - trumpet, Jan Jirucha - trombone, euphonium, Jiri Simek - guitars, Jakub Vejnar - bass, Milos Dvoracek - drums, percussion, Vladan Maliniak - violin & viola, Katarina Karasova - flute, Ivan Acher - fonovox
290 czk  CD
In stock
Noční optika

Night Optician's (Nocni optika) is an instrumental quintet composed of musicians whose starting point is partially jazz, partially classical music. The result is a sort of periphery or suburb of the jazz mainstream, a place lit with flashes of the resonance of the pulsing fevers of the metropolis, and breezes of the sombre surfaces of the forest pools. A neurotic’s meditation blends with the phlegmatic’s mad dash in a herbarium of half-forgotten animals.

Hot Line feat Darryl Kennedy
Darryl Kennedy - fl, as, tp, tb, EVI, synt, Jan Hala - keys, Jan Buchar - keys, Martin Kucaj - g, Ivan Dolezalek - bg, Michal Hejna - dr
Hot Line
Rostislav Fras - tenor & soprano saxophones, Jiri Kovar - electric & acoustic guitars, Jan Hala - keyboards, Zdenek "Wimpy" Tichota - bass guitars, Michal Hejna - drums & percussion
Viklický & Urbánek
UV Drive
Emil Viklický - p, synth., Boris Urbánek - keyb., programming, Vlastimil Šmída - tp, Roman Pokorný - g, Martin Gašpar - b
Searching For Jupiter
399 czk  CD
In stock
Magnus Öström
Searching For Jupiter
Naima Live
Session ´90

František Kop - soprano and tenor saxophones, bass clarinet, percussion
Zdeněk Zdeněk - keyboards and programming
Peter Binder - electric and acoustic guitars, percussion

First Circle
279 czk  CD
In stock
Pat Metheny Group
First Circle

Pat Metheny: guitar, Lyle Mays: piano, synthesizer, Steve Rodby: bass,  Pedro Aznar: percussion, vocal, Paul Wertico: drums

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