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Zpivani u jeslicek
290 czk  CD
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Zpivani u jeslicek

Recorded live at the basilica of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, Svatá Hora (Holy Mountain), Příbram. 
Christmas carols are sung by church visitors in Czech language.
Organ accompaniment: Jaroslav Tůma, Pavel Šmolík.
Introductory and concluding word: Fr. David Horáček

The music and singing in the Archdiocesan Seminary in Prague
299 czk  2CD
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The music and singing in the Archdiocesan Seminary in Prague

CD I The Archdiocesan Seminary in Prague is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the renewal of its activities in Dejvice and the reunion of the Theological Faculty with Prague’s Charles University. This edition of recordings from 1996 and from the present documents the life of seminarians preparing themselves for service in the five Czech dioceses. In the 21st century, the Lord is still approaching young men and calling them to follow him and to serve his kingdom. The music and the singing of the seminary students gives insight into how they are trained—perhaps more effectively than many words of commentary.

CD II contains mostly sacred music ranging from Gregorian plainchant to works by modern composers. You will encounter various musical forms: the concerto, sonata, aria, song, and fugue; there is singing of psalms, motets, and even a love song, and there is also dance music. The recording is therefore a sample of the music that can be heard at the Archdiocesan Seminary in Prague. 

Ad matrem venite
350 czk  CD
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Ad matrem venite

Marian Motets and Instrumental Music from the Archbishop‘s Archives in Kroměříž

Capella Ornamentata, Richard Šeda

Coram angelis psallam tibi Domine
299 czk  CD
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Johann Sebastian Bach, anonymous
Coram angelis psallam tibi Domine

Schola strahoviensis – Gorazd Krušina, Ambrož Šámal, Jan Samiec, Řehoř Žáček, Christian Pšenička
Jakub Janšta – organ in Chyšky

In this performance by the Schola of the Strahov Premonstratensians, traditional liturgical songs blend in unique harmony with the organist Jakub Jansta, who introduces the new organ at Chysky with his improvisations and the compositions of J.S.Bach. The organ, constructed by the Italian organ builder Giovanni Pradella, has the noble task of stirring and rousing not only the space of the church but, above all, the souls of the listeners to the glory of the Triune God. This recording is an expression of gratitude to all those who supported the ‚Pradella organ project‘.


The Organ in the church of St. Ludmila in Prague
290 czk  CD
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Händel, Bach, Karg-Elert, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Ravanello
The Organ in the church of St. Ludmila in Prague

Jakub Janšta: organ by Emanuel Štěpán Petr 1898 (restored by Kánský-Brachtl in 2018) 

Georg Friedrich Händel (1685–1759), arr. Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Variationen in E-dur „Der harmonische Grobschmied” aus der Suite Nr. 5 für Klavier HWV 430

?Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750), arr. Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Capriccio aus der Toccata für Klavier G-dur BWV 916 
Adagio (Air célèbre) aus der Orchester-Suite D-dur BWV 1068 
Choral-Improvisation und Fuge aus der Motette „Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied” BWV 225

Sigfrid Karg-Elert (1877–1933)
O Gott, du frommer Gott, op. 65/50 

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809–1847)
Sonate B-Dur, op. 65/4 

Oreste Ravanello (1871–1938)
Preghiera, op. 50/2 
Tema e variazioni si minore per Grand‘Organo 

3 Gamba Sonatas
290 czk  CD
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Bach, Pärt
3 Gamba Sonatas

Štěpán Filípek: cello
Sára Medková: piano

3 Gamba Sonatas
499 czk  LP
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Johann Sebastian Bach
3 Gamba Sonatas

Štěpán Filípek: cello
Sára Medková: piano

The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II
290 czk  2CD
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Johann Sebastian Bach
The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II

Giedré Lukšaité-Mrázková - harpsichord

Flemish double-manual harpsichord by František Vyhnálek, Hovorčovice 1995
(after Andreas Ruckers, 1640)

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