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399 czk  CD
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Laginha, Arguelles, Norbakken
The Late Coltrane
399 czk  CD
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Denys Baptiste
The Late Coltrane

The Late Trane is the powerful and commanding new album from British saxophonist Denys Baptiste, a giant of the UK jazz scene. Reimagining and reworking ten carefully chosen composition from John Coltrane’s late music (from 1963 – 1967) with a fresh and modern new interpretation, The Late Trane perfectly balances Denys Baptiste’s unique artistic vision with the visceral emotions and cosmic references that encompasses Coltrane’s late music.

399 czk  CD
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Elliot Galvin Trio

‘He reminds me of the young Django Bates, and the impression Django made on me in the 1980s – great improv chops, strong character as a player and a composer, evident love of the jazz tradition without wanting to repeat the past, very English sense of humour. He’s the kind of artist  you always want to stay tuned in to, because you know he’s going to keep on coming up with surprises.’ John Fordham

399 czk  CD
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Tim Garland
The Roc
399 czk  CD
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Daniel Herskedal
The Roc

Over the last 2 years, Daniel Herskedal, Helge Andreas Norbakken and Eyolf Dale (also on Edition) have defined themselves as one of the most unique and innovative small ensembles in Europe today, bringing together a vast mix of influences from Folk, Jazz, Classical and Arabic music.

Fellow Creatures
399 czk  CD
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Jasper Hoiby
Fellow Creatures

Fellow Creatures is the new album from the prolific and formidable bassist, bandleader and composer Jasper Høiby.  Primarily known with Phronesis, Fellow Creatures is the vital new project that  combines a strong sense of groove, driving energy with atmospheric textures and contrapuntal rhythms. It was described by London Jazz as “..fusing the infectious grooves of a Phronesis rhythm section with the off-kilter hooks of Polar Bear”. This landmark album from Jasper Høiby builds on the meteoric rise and continuing critical success of his glowing international career as one of the most creative, innovative and powerful performers, composers and bandleaders of his generation in Europe.

A Meeting of Spirits
399 czk  CD
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Gary Husband
A Meeting of Spirits
399 czk  CD
In stock
Laginha, Arguelles, Norbakken
12 3
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