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Lamentatio Jeremiae prophetae Leçons de Ténèbres (1995–1996) Filip Dámec: tenor, contratenor Ondřej Holub: tenor Hana Fleková: Baroque cello Martin Smutný: piano
Lucie Sedláková Hůlová - Baroque violin Jaroslav Tůma - organ
Recorded live at the basilica of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, Svatá Hora (Holy Mountain), Příbram. Christmas carols are sung by church visitors in Czech language. Organ accompaniment: Jaroslav Tůma, Pavel Šmolík. Introductory and concluding word: Fr. David Horáček
Jan Novák: Sulpicia (Amores Sulpiciae) for four female voices based on texts of Albia Tibulla Tereza Surovíková: Maturation of Love (Zrání lásky) set of three compositions for a five-part female choir a cappella on the biblical text of the same name - Song of Songs No. 2 Karel Bendl: In the Nature Realm (V přírodě) twelve duet songs on the words of Vítězslav Hálek
Joseph Renner: Sonáta g moll op. 29 Sigfrid Karg-Elert: Choral-Improvisationen op. 65/38: Jesu, meine Freude (Passacaglia) Otomar Kvěch: Malá suita pro varhany (A Little Suite For Organ) Johann Sebastian Bach: Passacaglia c moll BWV 582 Franz Liszt: Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen. Variace na téma J. S. Bacha S.673 organ by G. F. Steinmeyer & Co, 1875 (Oettingen, a town in Bavaria)