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Zpivani u jeslicek
290 czk  CD
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Zpivani u jeslicek

Recorded live at the basilica of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, Svatá Hora (Holy Mountain), Příbram. 
Christmas carols are sung by church visitors in Czech language.
Organ accompaniment: Jaroslav Tůma, Pavel Šmolík.
Introductory and concluding word: Fr. David Horáček

Foerster Female Chamber Choir
290 czk  CD
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Novák, Surovíková, Bendl
Foerster Female Chamber Choir

Jan Novák: Sulpicia (Amores Sulpiciae) for four female voices based on texts of Albia Tibulla

Tereza Surovíková: Maturation of Love (Zrání lásky) set of three compositions for a five-part female choir a cappella on the biblical text of the same name - Song of Songs No. 2

Karel Bendl: In the Nature Realm (V přírodě) twelve duet songs on the words of Vítězslav Hálek

A Portrait of Clavichord 1787
390 czk  2CD
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Jaroslav Tůma
A Portrait of Clavichord 1787

Graupner, Bach J.S., Bach C.P.E., Štěpán, Mozart, Howells

Jaroslav Tůma - clavichord, Johann Christoph Georg Schiedmayer, 1787

290 czk  CD
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Josef Vejvoda
75 celebration
349 czk  2x CD
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Josef Vejvoda
75 celebration
Historical Organ in Jachymov, West Bohemia
290 czk  CD
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Michaela Káčerková
Historical Organ in Jachymov, West Bohemia

Joseph Renner: Sonáta g moll op. 29
Sigfrid Karg-Elert: Choral-Improvisationen op. 65/38: Jesu, meine Freude (Passacaglia)
Otomar Kvěch: Malá suita pro varhany (A Little Suite For Organ)
Johann Sebastian Bach: Passacaglia c moll BWV 582
Franz Liszt: Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen. Variace na téma J. S. Bacha S.673

organ by G. F. Steinmeyer & Co, 1875 (Oettingen, a town in Bavaria)  

190 czk  CD
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Josef Vejvoda Trio
Coram angelis psallam tibi Domine
299 czk  CD
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Johann Sebastian Bach, anonymous
Coram angelis psallam tibi Domine

Schola strahoviensis – Gorazd Krušina, Ambrož Šámal, Jan Samiec, Řehoř Žáček, Christian Pšenička
Jakub Janšta – organ in Chyšky

In this performance by the Schola of the Strahov Premonstratensians, traditional liturgical songs blend in unique harmony with the organist Jakub Jansta, who introduces the new organ at Chysky with his improvisations and the compositions of J.S.Bach. The organ, constructed by the Italian organ builder Giovanni Pradella, has the noble task of stirring and rousing not only the space of the church but, above all, the souls of the listeners to the glory of the Triune God. This recording is an expression of gratitude to all those who supported the ‚Pradella organ project‘.


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