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Symphony No. 4, My Homeland
390 czk  CD
In stock
Antonín Dvořák
Symphony No. 4, My Homeland

Marek Štryncl & Musica Florea
Live recording

Organ Music
290 czk  CD
In stock
Petr Eben
Organ Music

Sunday Music, Laudes for organ, The Sweet Chains of Love (from the Comenius's cycle Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart), Hommage a Dietrich Buxtehude

Jaroslav Tůma - organ by E.F.Walcker 1884 (Annaberg-Buchholz), Mathis Orgelbau 2014 (Brno), W. Siemann 1938 (Freising)

The Organ in the church of St. Ludmila in Prague
290 czk  CD
In stock
Händel, Bach, Karg-Elert, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Ravanello
The Organ in the church of St. Ludmila in Prague

Jakub Janšta: organ by Emanuel Štěpán Petr 1898 (restored by Kánský-Brachtl in 2018) 

Georg Friedrich Händel (1685–1759), arr. Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Variationen in E-dur „Der harmonische Grobschmied” aus der Suite Nr. 5 für Klavier HWV 430

?Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750), arr. Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Capriccio aus der Toccata für Klavier G-dur BWV 916 
Adagio (Air célèbre) aus der Orchester-Suite D-dur BWV 1068 
Choral-Improvisation und Fuge aus der Motette „Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied” BWV 225

Sigfrid Karg-Elert (1877–1933)
O Gott, du frommer Gott, op. 65/50 

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809–1847)
Sonate B-Dur, op. 65/4 

Oreste Ravanello (1871–1938)
Preghiera, op. 50/2 
Tema e variazioni si minore per Grand‘Organo 

The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II
290 czk  2CD
In stock
Johann Sebastian Bach
The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II

Giedré Lukšaité-Mrázková - harpsichord

Flemish double-manual harpsichord by František Vyhnálek, Hovorčovice 1995
(after Andreas Ruckers, 1640)

Three Sonatas For Harpsichord
290 czk  noty
In stock
Josef Antonín Štěpán
Three Sonatas For Harpsichord

The critical edition of sonatas in E flat major, E flat major and A major were prepared by Petra Žďárská. After the first printed edition preserved in the music archives of the Archbishop's Castle in Kroměříž.

sheet music for harpsichord or another keyboard instrument
64 pages, A4 high

Labyrinth of the Holy Love
Not available
350 czk noty
Not available
Michna, Tůma
Labyrinth of the Holy Love

new period music inspired by the Michna's famous baroque vocal collection (selection from the Czech Marian Music, 1647) composed by Jaroslav Tůma

sheet music for organ or another keyboard instrument
76 pages, A4 wide

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