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Bohuslav Matěj Černohorský
Laudetur Jesus Christus - Hipocondria Ensemble
Until historians of music finally elevated him to the status of the Bach of Bohemia, Černohorský had long been widely considered a composer for the organ. Thanks only to painstaking detective work did it become possible in subsequent years to determine the key moments of his life and, at least in part, to answer a question that to this day remains just as intriguing – namely, who exactly was
Bohuslav Matěj Černohorský?
Complete works - World premiere recording on period instruments
Michael Pospíšil, Ritornello
Upside Down or Bacchanalistica
Ritornello, directed by Michael Pospíšil

What one earth do you mean, ”Bacchanalistica”? No, don’t worry, this isn’t about some cheap vulgar approach to marketing the great Johann Sebastian (although he certainly had a great appetite for food!), or some trendy display of musicological expertise, or a hygienist’s analysis of the drinkability of water from the stream (der Bach = stream in German). Bacchanalia, in the sense of wild and opulent revels took their name from Bacchus, “the patron of feasting and drinking” – yes, when wine flowed in the streams! We might find a certain etymological association with another German word, der Bauch = the belly, which is related to our Czech word “bachor” meaning one of the stomachs of the cow. Bachanti or vaganti, was once the name given to people – mostly students – who wandered from university to university, from town to town and from inn to inn, begging, seducing, and enjoying their food and drink. From the Middle Ages the vagabond pupils and students were an element akin to the homeless of today. But...
František Ignác Antonín Tůma
Trio Sonatas
Antiquarius Consort: Václav Návrat - baroque violin, Simona Pešková - baroque violin, Petr Hejný - baroque cello, Přemysl Vacek - theorbo, baroque guitar, Václav Luks - harpsichord
World premiere recording
Brevnov Abbey Organ (The)

Czech late Baroque figural music by Benedictines of the Břevnov-Broumov Archabbey / Johann Valentin Rathgeber, Georg Christoph Wagenseil, Wenzel Gunter Jacob, Josef Mentzel, Erasmus Mentschel, Anonymous

Robert Hugo - organ, Hana Blažíková - soprano, Markéta Cukrová - alto, Jaromír Nosek - bass
Capella Regia Praha, directed by Robert Hugo

La Mascarade
399 czk  CD
In stock
Rolf Lislevand
La Mascarade

Rolf Lislevand: Baroque guitar, theorbo

Solo pour la flute traversiere
Not available
99 czk CD
Not available
Bach, Hotteterre, Weiss, Vivaldi, Fischer
Solo pour la flute traversiere

Barthold Kuijken: flute

Adam Václav Michna
Missa super - Ritornello & Vox Bohemica
"Jiz Slunce z Hvezdy vyslo" [The Sun has Come Forth from the Star]
Ritornello directed by Michael Pospisil
featuring Vox Bohemica children choir (directed by Tomas Charvat), Vox Nymburgensis (directed by Jan Mikusek), Collegium 419
World premiere recording
Amores Pasados
399 czk  CD
In stock
John Potter
Amores Pasados

John Potter: voice; Anna Maria Friman: voice & Hardanger fiddle;
Ariel Abramovich & Jacob Heringman: lutes

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