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Zpivani u jeslicek
290 czk  CD
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Zpivani u jeslicek

Recorded live at the basilica of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, Svatá Hora (Holy Mountain), Příbram. 
Christmas carols are sung by church visitors in Czech language.
Organ accompaniment: Jaroslav Tůma, Pavel Šmolík.
Introductory and concluding word: Fr. David Horáček

Ceremony Of Carols
299 czk  CD
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Britten, Pärt
Ceremony Of Carols

Benjamin Britten: Ceremony of Carols
Arvo Pärt: Two Lullabies
Arvo Pärt: Salve Regina

Ensemble Inégal, Adam Viktora – conductor
Kateřina Englichová – harp

Písně vánoční
290 czk  CD
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Písně vánoční

christmas songs by the GINEVRA band

The name comes from the age of King Arthur - from the Scottish queen Ginevra. It was because of the fact that we were really interested in Irish and Scottish melodies.

Labyrinth of the Holy Love
Not available
350 czk noty
Not available
Michna, Tůma
Labyrinth of the Holy Love

new period music inspired by the Michna's famous baroque vocal collection (selection from the Czech Marian Music, 1647) composed by Jaroslav Tůma

sheet music for organ or another keyboard instrument
76 pages, A4 wide

Michna, Tůma
Labyrinth of the Holy Love

new period music inspired by the famous vocal collection by Adam Václav Michna (selection from the Czech Marian Music, 1647) 
composed and performed by Jaroslav Tůma 

organ from Kruh (1627) in the cathedral of St Stephen in Litoměřice

Adam Václav Michna
Missa super - Ritornello & Vox Bohemica
"Jiz Slunce z Hvezdy vyslo" [The Sun has Come Forth from the Star]
Ritornello directed by Michael Pospisil
featuring Vox Bohemica children choir (directed by Tomas Charvat), Vox Nymburgensis (directed by Jan Mikusek), Collegium 419
World premiere recording
Ceremony Of Carols
299 czk  CD
In stock
Britten, Pärt
Ceremony Of Carols

Benjamin Britten: Ceremony of Carols
Arvo Pärt: Two Lullabies
Arvo Pärt: Salve Regina

Ensemble Inégal, Adam Viktora – conductor
Kateřina Englichová – harp

Michael Pospíšil, Ritornello
Nativity - Old Czech Carols
Czech Christmas Dances from Baroque Hymnals
Ritornello (directed by Michael Pospisil): Jan Mikusek - alto, hackbrett, chamber organ; Richard Sporka - tenor, percussion; Michael Pospisil - bass, chamber organ, cornetto, chalumeux; Tomas Najbrt - lute, theorbo, Baroque guitar, hurdy-gurdy, bagpipe, vocal; Jan Novotny - double bass, Baroque harp, traverso, recorder, vocal; Marek Stryncl - cello, chamber organ, vocal; Libor Meisl - violin, vocal
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