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A Wanderer
Josef Štefan Kubín
A Wanderer

Michael Pospíšil & Barunka, folklore ensemble

Zpivani u jeslicek
290 czk  CD
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Zpivani u jeslicek

Recorded live at the basilica of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, Svatá Hora (Holy Mountain), Příbram. 
Christmas carols are sung by church visitors in Czech language.
Organ accompaniment: Jaroslav Tůma, Pavel Šmolík.
Introductory and concluding word: Fr. David Horáček

Folksongs Fantasias
290 czk  CD
In stock
Magda Uhlířová
Folksongs Fantasias

Magda Uhlířová – violas da gamba, vocal
Hana Fleková – viola da gamba, Karel Jiroš – guitar, Jakub Tatoušek – little drum

Vlastislav Matoušek
Taki ochi
almost 80 minutes solo music for shakuhachi (traditional Japanese flute)

Vlastislav Matoušek - shakuhachi
Prague choir presents hasidic and jewish folk songs
Hana Rothová: artistic leader, song selection & arrangements (vocal, violin, recorder)
Vladimír Merta: guitar, keyboards, arrangements (synthesizers)
Lewitová, Merta
Adam a Eva
Old Moravian ballads from František Sušil's collection

Jana Lewitová - vocals, viola, spinettino, percussion
Vladimír Merta - vocals, lutes, flutes, double bass, percussion
Lewitová, Merta
Sephardic Inspiration
"Songs of the Night and Loneliness"
Yo en prizion tu en las flores, Una matica de ruda, Casada con un viejo, Morenica, Hija mia mi querida, Noches noches, Puncha puncha, Lasko ma, Triste esta el Rey David, Entre las huertas paseando, Esta noche, Yo me n'amori d'un aire, Nani nani, Durmite

Jana Lewitová - vocals, percussion, Vladimír Merta - guitars, lute, flute, vocals, percussion, Aleš Rypan - Baroque oboe, Radovan Vašina - cornetto, Michal Kostiuk - clarinet, Jan Krejča - theorbo, Petr Hejný - viola da gamba, Jaroslav Kořán - percussion, Pavel Plánka - percussion
Sephardic Songs
Avrix mi galanica, A la nana a la buba, Aire de mujer, El rey de Francia, Adio querida, Al paar por Casablanca, Irme quiero, El rey que muncho madruga, Ven querida, La serena, Partos trocados, Durme durme, Paxaro d'hermozura, Noches noches, Un lunes por la manana, Ya viene el cativo, Esta montana, Quendo el rey Nimrod

Jana Lewitová - mezzosoprano, Rudolf Měřinský - Renaissance lutes, Hana Fleková - viola da gamba, Ingeborg Žádná - viola da gamba, Pavel Plánka - percussion
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