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Power Spot
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399 czk CD
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Jon Hassell
Power Spot

Jon Hassell: trumpet, J.A.Deane: percussion, alto flute, Jean-Philippe Rykiel: keyboards, Michael Brook: guitar, Richard Horowitz: keyboards, Brian Eno: bass, Richard Armin: RAAD electric strings, Paul Armin: RAAD electric strings, Miguel Frasconi: flute

Dežo Ursiny
That Same Dance
An extensive project of an extraordinary personality of the Slovak modern music scene. This recording is a milestone on the border of blues, latin, rock and jazz.

Dežo Ursiny - g, Jaro Filip - keys, Andrej Šeban - g, kyes, Juraj Bartoš - tp, Rudolf Březina - fl, saxes, Richard Kroczek - el. violin, Aleš Charvát - bg, Emil Frátrik - dr
Dežo Ursiny
Do tla
Devoid of classification, always off beat and yet always at the head of modern musical and poetical thinking, beyond all undergrounds, the mainstream and other transitory trends, stand these two artists as maybe the only certainty which keeps the good name of Slovak rock alive.

Dežo Ursiny - g, Rudolf Březina - fl, saxes, Richard Kroczek - g, el. violin, Jaro Filip - keys, Vlado Kassay - bg, Lubo Staňkovský - dr
A Retrospective
399 czk  CD
In stock
A Retrospective

Urs Leimgruber: soprano and tenor sax, flute, percussion, Christy Doran: guitar, guitar synthesizer, Bobby Burri: bass, Fredy Studer: drums, gong, percussion


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