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Violin Sonatas, BWV1020-1024, 1031
299 czk  CD
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Johann Sebastian Bach
Violin Sonatas, BWV1020-1024, 1031
Ivan Ženatý – violin, Zuzana Růžičková – harpsichord, Petr Hejný – viola da gamba

This CD of Bach´s less familiar sonatas offers a glimpse into works not only by Bach, the father, but also those by his sons. Though originally ascribed to Johann Sebastian and given BWV catalogue numbers, musicologists today suspect some of them may well have been composed by his sons. However, this measure of doubt about the actual authorship detracts nothing from their sheer musical beauty, enhanced as it is by the virtuoso performance of all the players.
Goldberg Variationen
299 czk  CD
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Johann Sebastian Bach
Goldberg Variationen

Borbála Dobozy: harpsichord (copy of  a German Michael Mietke´s double-manual instrument built around 1710, from the "Bečička, Hüttl & Šefl" workshop, Bystřec 2005)

Play Live
299 czk  CD
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Franck, Bloch
Play Live
César Franck´s Sonata in A major and Ernest Bloch´s Schelemo are two salient cello compositions both for their impressive effect on audiences and for the gruelling demands on the interpreters´ virtuoisity. The recording was made live at a galvanizing performance without a single cut, and yet, in terms of interpretation and sound quality, it can stand the strictest comparison with any studio recording. At the age of 24, the cellist Kryštof Lecian made his way into the Cambridge dictionary of world vituosos "How in Music and Musicians".

Kryštof Lecian – cello, Jan Niederle – piano
Sacred Music
299 czk  CD
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Jan Josef Ignác Brentner
Sacred Music
Rediscovering unjustly forgotten composers and their music is a fine experience and adventure at the same time, and this CD offers music-lovers both. J. J. I. Brentner (1689 - 1742) was one of the most successful Czech composers of his time (measured by the number of compositions published in print). Thanks to missionaries, his music got as far as South America only to lapse into total oblivion after his death for more than a quarter of a millennium. The demands that his beautiful melodies place on performers gives one an idea of how accomplished the instrumentalists and singers of his time must have been. Our CD (world recording premiere) was made using period musical instruments in Baroque surroundings by the group Ensemble Inégal specializing, in particular, in historically enlightened interpretation of 17th- and 18-th century music. Please, accept our invitation to the realm of lovely sounds and joy of discovering the as yet unknown.
299 czk  CD
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Jan Josef Ignác Brentner

Ensemble Inégal, Prague Baroque Soloists
conductor: Adam Viktora

Soprano: Gabriela Eibenová (solo), Barbora Sojková
Alto: Lester Lardenoye (solo), Marta Fadljevičová
Tenor: Jaromír Březina (solo), Hasan El Dunia
Bass: Tomáš Král (solo), Jaromír Nosek

1st violin: Helena Zemanová, Simona Tydlitátová, Jan Hádek, 2nd violin: Dagmar Valentová, Lýdie Cillerová, Magdalena Malá, cello: Hana Fleková, viola da gamba: Petr Wagner, double-bass: Ondřej Štajnochr, organ: Jan Doležel, bassoon: Kryštof Lada, theorbo: Jan Krejčaoboe: Petra Myšková, clarino: Christoph Dräger, Karel Mňuk

The recording was made on autentic instrument. Pitch A = 415 Hz Valotti

Ceremony Of Carols
299 czk  CD
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Britten, Pärt
Ceremony Of Carols

Benjamin Britten: Ceremony of Carols
Arvo Pärt: Two Lullabies
Arvo Pärt: Salve Regina

Ensemble Inégal, Adam Viktora – conductor
Kateřina Englichová – harp

Music of Baroque Bohemia
299 czk  CD
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Samuel Capricornus
Music of Baroque Bohemia

Instrumental sonatas and a selection of spiritual compositions by Samuel Capricornus (1628–1665), who was born into the family of a German evangelical pastor near Mladá Boleslav.

Ensemble Inégal
Adam Viktora

Flute Sonatas
299 czk  CD
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Jiří Čart
Flute Sonatas
Václav Kunt – flute, Monika Knoblochová – harpsichord, Petr Hejný - cello

The composer is another member of the group of oustanding Czech musicians who were active all over 18th century Europe, who helped to develop a new style of music - classicism - and who later fell into oblivion. A contemporary of J.V.Stamic and F.Benda, Jiří Čart served at the court of Berlin together with F.E.Bach, then as a violinist of the Mannheim orchestra and finally, after Stamic´s death, as its conductor. In his Sonatas for Flute, Čart remains half way between the style of Baroque and coming classicism. This is the first ever recording of the work.
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