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Noční optika / Night Optician's
Strojek z půdy / Machine From the Attic


F10195   [8595017419522]   released 6/2011

play all Strojek z půdy - Noční Optika 73:22
Strojek z půdy 6:20
Hlasy tygrů 5:35
Sklad hraček 5:25
La Smorfia - Dolorosa 7:13
La Smorfia - Melanconico 5:20
La Smorfia - Ironico 3:46
Noční let 6:00
Předpověď počasí 4:47
Dětský pokoj 4:21
Zkratka přes les 6:09
Pro Barborku 5:03
Sonnytorium 5:01
Kouřový tanec 8:13

Night Opician's
Štěpán Zbytovský – flute
Miroslav Nosek – guitars, ukulele (12)
Jakub Dvořáček – piano, Fender Rhodes (1, 8, 13), Hammond organ A101 (2, 8)
Jan Keller – bassguitar, cello (5, 7, 13)
Jan Linhart – drums

“Who shall plough the soil of loppy fi elds and measure the horizon with a stylus? Who shall go unnoticed through the house and ignite the wick over the last stair? Who shall open the book of secret gardens and outline the pilgrim’s path on the back of time? Who shall raise his voice for the last proclamation? We know utterly nothing. But time to time, peculiar apparatuses appear from nooks darker than the dancing old man‘s eye, and they narrate sonorously about the fl utter above the bend of the age. You hold one of them in your hands: machine from the attic. Well, let us briskly fare forth, the hour of platypus has not chimed yet! Let us saddle the two ears of us, be trustfully open-minded and let the waves of turquoise sand carry us. Whither? As far as ear will allow.”

“One is tempted to believe that the creature once had some sort of intelligible shape and is now only a broken-down remnant. Yet this does not seem to be the case; at least there is no sign of it; nowhere is there an unfi nished or unbroken surface to suggest anything of the kind; the whole thing looks senseless enough, but in its own way perfectly fi nished. In any case, closer scrutiny is impossible …”

Franz Kafka

Further recordings by Night Optician's


© Studio Svengali, February 2025
coded by rhaken.net