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239 czk  CD
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Garth Knox

Garth Knox: fiddle, viola, viola d’amore
Agnès Vesterman: violoncello
Sylvain Lemêtre: percussion

Codex Speciálník
330 czk  CD
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Codex Speciálník

Codex Speciálník, a manuscript containing polyphonic music which originated in Prague in the course of the last two decades of the 15th century, is considered one of the most important sources of music from Bohemia in the late Middle Ages. The original name of the collection signifies a “special” type of singing, characteristic of the Czech milieu and different from the common liturgical collections. The contents of the codex mostly relate to the mass liturgy of the Utraquist Church and comprise parts of the ordinary, motets, and religious songs, but also non-liturgical sacred music, as well as repertoire intended for instrumental interpretation. Containing some 200 polyphonic pieces, the collection contains music by important composers of the time which was known and performed in Latin Europe (e.g. Bedyngham, Frye, Weerbeke, Josquin, Isaac, and Obrecht), but also works by authors who were mostly active in Central Europe (e.g. Tourout, Flemmik, and Finck) as well as anonymous works (in some cases on Czech lyrics) among which we find some remarkable examples of the local reception of Franco-Flemish polyphony. A special category is formed by compositions from the late 14th century and the first half of the 15th century that were written in an older style but purposely performed in the Utraquist environment as part of a unique and quite independent tradition whose beginnings can be traced to the pre-Hussite period.

Hana Blochová, Kvinterna
Sibilla provençale (traditional)
Mariam Matrem Virginem (Llibre Vermell de Montserrat)
Faith (after Hildegard von Bingen: Ave generosa)
The Birth of Hope (Hana Blochova, Petr Vyoral)
Love (after Hildegard von Bingen: Caritas abundat)
Universum (Kvinterna)
Secret History
399 czk  CD
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John Potter
Secret History

John Potter: voice; Anna Maria Friman: voice; Ariel Abramovich, Jacob Heringman: alto, tenor and bass vihuelas: Lee Santana: alto and tenor vihuelas; Hille Perl: viola da gamba

399 czk  CD
In stock
Trio Mediaeval

Trio Mediaeval   
Anna Maria Friman: vocal, Hardanger fiddle
Linn Andrea Fuglseth: vocal, shruti box
Berit Opheim: vocal

Arve Henriksen: trumpet

Journey Deep Into the Musical Past
350 czk  CD
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Jiří Stivín & Collegium Quodlibet
Journey Deep Into the Musical Past
improvisation through the centuries - from gothic tablatures to modern jazz

Jiri Stivin - flutes, recorders, saxophones, clarinets, chalumeaux; Alan Vitous - percussion; Petra Noskaiova - soprano; Jan Mikusek - alto; Richard Sporka - tenor; Michael Pospisil - bass; Marek Spelina - recorder; Julie Sukupova - recorder; Hana Flekova - viola da gamba; Robert Hugo - harpsichord, regal
Flos florum
Hana Blochova - vocal, gothic harp, organ portative; Petr Vyoral - fiddles, kvinterna, medieval lute; Pavel Polasek - medieval shawm, cornamuse, gemshorns, recorders, bladder pipe, dulcimer, vocal; Lubomir Holzer - percussion;
& guests: Michael Pospisil - vocal, Jiri Hodina - vocal, Jirina Musilova - hurdy-gurdy, Vitezslav Janda - tambourine
Mediaeval Inspiration
Kvinterna: Hana Blochová - vocal, portative organ; Milan Bílek - percussion; Pavel Polášek - bombarde (shawn), recorders, shofar, santur, vocal; Přemysl Vacek - lute; Petr Vyoral - treble fiddle;
& guests: Dan Dlouhý - percussion; Petr Filák - "ud" arabian lute; Lubomír Holzer - percussion, vocal; Michal Sodja - didgeridoo, shakuhachi, jew's harp; Libor Štětkář - vocal; Miloš Valenta - alto fiddle
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